Your Company
Get more than 50,000 leads per day from the latest domains created on internet with Whois information.
Each day you will be able to download the latest domains created on Internet with whois information (emails, phones and more).
Daily leads to download
Each day we will add a dump of the domains created on internet. All the dump contains those information:
Emails + names
Each row will contain the information of the owner of the domain created with the personal and business email if it's public.
Phones and location
Landline and cell-phone are included in the data. This is the phone you can use to prospect the owner of the new domains created.
Daily registered domains with leads information
Daily dump of all domains created on the Internet, that's mean all new companies. You will get around +100K leads of new domains created each day with location, phone numbers, emails, domains, registered date, and more. It's perfect for capturing new companies created on the Internet and generate new leads from it by selling SEO, marketing services, WordPress websites, development or content creation, etc.

Discover the features
Discover the main features of our product below:
- Prospect new businesses registered on Internet
- Transfer leads to campaigns to send emails on it
- Thousands of new leads uploaded each day
- Export all the leads into Excel or CSV
- Send collected data to your CRM or other software
- Find new opportunities for your business
- Find emails of new businesses registered on Internet
- WHOIS data available for each business
- Updated daily and fresh from registrars
- Emails and phones available for each business
- Easy and fast to use
- History of all the domains created

new companies
ProspectEach day thousands of domains are created on the Internet. We make sure to deliver you all the domains created with all the public information in order to prospect them.

Sell your service
your services.
Prospect new companies that just created a domain or a website to offerReach directly the owner of the domain via email or phone thanks to our daily dump.
Each day we add around more than +100,000 domains created with leads information.
Register and try it nowOptin leads
Our collected leads are opt-in due to their public information collected while they registered their domain.
Capture new customers
You can easily resell services like SEO, marketing services, wordpress websites, development or content creation.
Export to Excel
Download the leads and all the domains registered to a Excel file with all information.
Unlimited users
Invite your team with no limit to use the product and download the daily leads delivered.
PricingOur Pro plan will give you unlimited access and unlimited download.
No hidden fees.
- Monthly
- USD ($)
1 user(s) Free / free trial Daily registered domains with leads information- 5 Downloads files
Unlimited users $ 99 / month Daily registered domains with leads information- Unlimited Downloads files
for you?
Not sure what's betterYou can start for free, as long as you fell in love with our product, you can decide to upgrade to the Pro plan.
Start my free trial

They love us
+10,000 businesses
Follow over 10,000 businesses in the world using our product on a daily basis. They love our company to discover new companies created on Internet.
Our product is used by thousands of companies.
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